Chest of drawers Teorema

by Molteni&C

Canaletto Walnut


Height 122 cm


Gilad Ron


Teorema is a chest of drawers made from one panel, clad in Canaletto walnut or eucalyptus and folded like an origami to create a multifaceted shell. The Teorema collection is composed of open or drawer containers, single or compound elements, superimposing various elements to create bedside tables, drawer units, compositions for the linear or offset living area, or support boxes on the marble base of the 45° coffee tables. Winner of the Wallpaper design Award 2018 in the Best Twist Action category, at the 2018 Furniture Fair Teorema is presented in a new guise: a storage unit where storage and open glazed parts overlap to create a single solid with a densely facetted surface. The drawers can be positioned on an axis or unusually at 45° with respect to the rest of the cabinet.

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